Nuestros socios
Cooperación en los ámbitos de la ciencia, la medicina y la tecnología
La BOWA ACADEMY colabora estrechamente con diversas instituciones internacionales de investigación y enseñanza.

German society for general and visceral surgery
The DGAV supports general and visceral surgery in science and in practice. At the same time, the DGAV also represents the interests and concerns of general and visceral surgery at all levels of health and social policy. The field of general and visceral surgery includes the endocrine surgery of all organs of the digestive tract (esophagus, liver, bile ducts, pancreas, small and large intestine, anus) and the abdomen. More than 5,400 members were registered in the DGAV in 2020, with new members joining daily. The DGAV was founded in 1998.

European-African Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association
The E-AHPBA aims to be the prime interdisciplinary organisation for HPB-related surgical science and scholarship in the Europe-Africa-Middle-East region. We provide an international forum to discuss and learn about state-of-the-art developments in HPB surgery and practice by
– conducting a biennial scientific meeting (alternating with the IHPBA World Congress) – offering participation in other events throughout the year including consensus conferences, post-graduate courses, technical courses …

Alexandria Endoscopy Association
ALEXEA is an Endoscopy Association founded in Alexandria, Egypt. Its aim is to assist physicians to provide the safest, most therapeutic and most economical surgical care to their patients. This will be carried out by: Workshops all through the year to train physicians to master the basic and advanced knowledge about endoscopy in most specialties. ALEXEA was founded in 2005, as the first training center in Middle East, Egypt for developing the skills required to perform endoscopic surgical procedures. The creation of ALEXEA was only possible through the enthusiasm and …

Kiel School of Gynaecological Endoscopy
Today, minimal invasive surgical procedures have a firm position in the operative treatment of gynaecological disorders. However, this was not always the case; it was a long and rocky road. Since the 1970s the Kiel Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology has been a pioneer in the field of endoscopy. Particularly under Professor Kurt Semm and Professor Liselotte Mettler, innovative ideas, methods and instruments were developed and the fundamentals for the application of endoscopy in gynaecology laid down. As a result, the Kiel Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology has a wealth of experience in the training …

Orsi Academy is an open & inclusive ecosystem for the safe & effective implementation of new technologies in medical practice. Our ultimate goal is to contribute to the continuous improvements and increasing the quality and the security of modern healthcare. Open & inclusive ecosystem Orsi Academy is an independent institution that is endorsed by multiple universities and collaborates with numerous scientific societies and industrial partners. The infrastructure is constructed to allow these stakeholders to work together if appreciated but in full privacy if needed.

Fachverband Biomedizinische Technik e.V.
Der fbmt (Fachverband Biomedizinische Technik e.V.) setzt sich seit seiner Gründung 1984 für die Belange von Medizintechnikern und -ingenieuren ein und trägt als Interessenverband zur Weiterentwicklung der Medizintechnik bei. Die Mitarbeit in DIN-, DKE- und ISO-Normungsgremien zählt ebenso zu den Aktivitäten der fbmt-Experten wie themenspezifische Beratung und fachliche Unterstützung. Stellungnahmen, insbesondere in Bezug auf Gesetzesänderungen im Medizinprodukterecht sind dabei ein wichtiges Instrument, um die gemeinsamen Interessen der fbmt-Mitglieder zu vertreten.

Doctorflix ist eine digitale Fortbildungsplattform für Ärzte von Ärzten mit praxisnahen, CME-zertifizierten On-Demand Videos. Die Plattform umfasst eine Vielzahl von Kursen in verschiedenen medizinischen Fachgebieten. Nutzer können sich mit ihrer EFN (Einheitliche Fortbildungsnummer) registrieren und die Kurse in ihrem eigenen Tempo absolvieren, um CME-Punkte zu sammeln. Die benutzerfreundlichen Funktionen bieten Möglichkeiten zum beruflichen Networking. Hier können sich Ärzte flexibel und ortsunabhängig fortbilden, indem sie hochwertige Inhalte von renommierten Referenten streamen.

European Association of Urology
The EAU represents the leading authority within Europe on urological practice, research, and education. Over 19,000 medical professionals have joined its ranks and contributed to our mission: To raise the level of urological care throughout Europe and beyond.
Aims and Objectives
– To act as the representative body for European urologists and facilitate the continued development of urology and all its supraspecialties
– To foster the highest standards of urological care throughout Europe

Kiel School of Gynaecological Endoscopy
Today, minimal invasive surgical procedures have a firm position in the operative treatment of gynaecological disorders. However, this was not always the case; it was a long and rocky road. Since the 1970s the Kiel Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology has been a pioneer in the field of endoscopy. Particularly under Professor Kurt Semm and Professor Liselotte Mettler, innovative ideas, methods and instruments were developed and the fundamentals for the application of endoscopy in gynaecology laid down. As a result, the Kiel Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology has a wealth of experience in the training …

European School of Laparoscopic Surgery
Information about European School of Laparoscopic Surgery will be available soon.

Kiel School of Gynaecological Endoscopy
Today, minimal invasive surgical procedures have a firm position in the operative treatment of gynaecological disorders. However, this was not always the case; it was a long and rocky road. Since the 1970s the Kiel Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology has been a pioneer in the field of endoscopy. Particularly under Professor Kurt Semm and Professor Liselotte Mettler, innovative ideas, methods and instruments were developed and the fundamentals for the application of endoscopy in gynaecology laid down. As a result, the Kiel Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology has a wealth of experience in the training …